Strategic Plan Update– Champaign Urbana Mass Transit District, Champaign, IL
- Lead planner in providing a strategic vision for this progressive and award winning transit agency. The focus of the plan was on mobility and included staff plus external interviews and technical
HR Consulting & Organizational Development -Northern Arizona Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority, Flagstaff, AZ
- This work is an assessment of organizational structure and a potential restructuring of the entire organization.
Management Study, Springfield Mass Transit District,Springfield, IL
- Completed a Management Study of administrative positions. This lead to recommendations for improvements in overall administrative efficiency, effectiveness, and staffing levels. The study
included a review of the organizational structure, work load analysis for all administrative positions, job design, succession planning and administrative manual compliance reviews and rewrites.
ITS Study, Springfield Mass Transit District,Springfield, IL
- Assisting with transit technology study for small transit agency. This includes interviews, research and implementation plan for operational technology.
Data Analysis and Operational Overview – Champaign Urbana Mass Transit District, Champaign, IL
- Provided recommendations for the transit district in regard to efficiency and future development. This involves a thorough review of data and effective utilization of data.